Official Panty Palooza Kick Off!!

It is February 1st and the official kick-off day for our blogger Panty Palooza!! I am very excited about this and I am so glad that so many of you plan to join it! I am asking that you do what ever it is that you decide to do and do it by Valentines day. I plan to do most of mine ON Valentine's day.

Okay, I have been asked what it is that I am going to do.

I called our local Crisis Center and talked to some of the counselors there. If you decide to do that, please remember that there may be some questions that they cannot answer due to confidentially laws. They told me, on average, how many women are at the safe house at any given time. I explained to them what I was sort of looking at doing. They explained to me that they get things donated such as shampoo and lotion but it is usually the generic stuff. They suggested body sprays or lotions that smell nice. I will put those things on my list to pick up. I am also donating...PANTIES!! They told me that they can always use panties at the Shelter in all shapes and sizes.

I have also been working on my Valentines. I plan to send out at least one a day.

I will also make cookies or carmel apples and take to the support staff on Valentine's day. I would think that they have a really hard job dealing with all that they have to deal with.

Other suggestions would be just asking around and finding one person to zero in on. This is a hard holiday for alot of people for many different reasons. Singles, widows, divorcees and couples having problems would just be a place to start. You are all very creative people and I just know that you will find the perfect person to touch.

What about the chick that always checks out your groceries? Why not hand her a gift certificate for a pedicure? A Valentine left on the windshield of a teacher that explains that, not only are they appreciated but WHY they are appreciated. A Sonic card, McDonald's certificates, an offer to baby sit for one evening, an oil change certificate.....Come on! Put on your thinking caps and let me know what you come up with!

Also, you do not have to tell me and the world what it is that you have done. Just let me know that you did something.

I have a quote on my desk that means the world to me and I think it fits with all of this. I believe it also applies to each of us and we do practice it already. It is from Ghandi:

**It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.**

We are seed planters, care takers, nurturers and NOW panty providers!!

When I was at my lowest, there were several different women that played a role in my life. Some daily, some with words, others with actions...some I never even knew their names. I am who I am, in part, because of the seeds that they planted.



  1. I made use of my spree at Mervyn's today. I have a bag full of fluffy slippers.

  2. Mindy, you're awesome. Thanks for the inspiration and the information.

  3. Oh flutterby! That will be awesome!

    And thank you songbird but I am not doing anything at all that ya'll would not or do not already do sweetness.

  4. Hey, I just rememebered today that my brother's birthday is on Friday. So I sent him a card and a check. Thanks for reminding me about holidays. OK, this weekend, Cat and I will go pantypalooza shopping. (Oh yeah, I am looking forward to this!)

  5. I second Songbird - you are one awesome lady and inspire me so much :)

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Great Idea! I've posted a link here!

    Howie Luvzus

  7. Can I just say that you make me smile every dang time I visit here?

    Except when you make me a little ferklempt, like you just did.

    You are a treasure, Min. (Can I still call you Min?)

  8. Oh No! How did I do that Miss Cheese?

    And you may call me anything!

  9. Ferklempt is a good thing, hon. It means you said something that made me overcome with emotion.

    Mostly it was the quote.

  10. Mindy,

    I've put a link and dedicated an entire blog entry to Panty Palooza 2006 (I "borowed" your candy heart picture for it, I hope you don't mind and if you do, let me know).

    You've had some great ideas and I'm going shopping this weekend!

  11. Mindy, you are such a power for good in the world.

  12. I don't know what I am going to do yet, but its going to be super cool!

  13. Do diapers count? The interfaith shelter (I found out about it through my church) is having a diaper drive for moms at the shelter. I'm going to give to that for Valentine's day... hence forth to be known as Singles Awareness Day.

  14. Yes Maid...diapers will surely count! That helps a mom out! As we step closer to Singles Awareness Day ~spits~


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