Panties! Panties! Panties!!

Come one come is that time of year again! Time for the second annual Pantipalooza!!!

Last year's palooza was wonderful and I think it will be that much bigger this year! Remember....everyone can play and you can adapt the palooza to how you see fit. It is not restricted to just panties. Last year it included scarfs, shoes, diapers, toiletries and many other things.

On my thankfulness list, I always list panties. They really are such a blessing. Most of us have washers and dryers so we always have a fresh clean supply of panties. If not, most of us can hit the nearest Wally World and pick us up a pair! But, there are some women in our lives that do not have that option...that blessing. For some reason or other, life has been hard on them. Be it abuse, poverty, hurricanes or it it up to us to make a difference!

This is what I wrote last year and I think it sums up what I am trying to say:

***I called our local Crisis Center and talked to some of the counselors there. If you decide to do that, please remember that there may be some questions that they cannot answer due to confidentially laws. They told me, on average, how many women are at the safe house at any given time. I explained to them what I was sort of looking at doing. They explained to me that they get things donated such as shampoo and lotion but it is usually the generic stuff. They suggested body sprays or lotions that smell nice. I will put those things on my list to pick up. I am also donating...PANTIES!! They told me that they can always use panties at the Shelter in all shapes and sizes. If not a shelter, other suggestions would be just asking around and finding one woman to zero in on. This is a hard holiday for a lot of people for many different reasons. Singles, widows, divorcees and couples having problems would just be a place to start. You are all very creative people and I just know that you will find the perfect person to touch.What about the chick that always checks out your groceries? Why not hand her a gift certificate for a pedicure? A Valentine left on the windshield of a teacher that explains that, not only are they appreciated but WHY they are appreciated. A Sonic card, McDonald's certificates, an offer to baby sit for one evening, an oil change certificate.....Come on! Put on your thinking caps and let me know what you come up with!***

The outpouring last year was wonderful! I took the advise of one of the woman at the crisis center and am donating panties in my size...that way I am helping some woman that is a lot like me. If you decide to participate, please leave me a comment!! I want to know how far this reaches. Also, feel free to steal the idea and put it on your blog.....only good can come of it!

I will also try to get a button up here so that you can post it to your blog. (I said I will promises!!) (And why do I use so many exclamation points?)


**Any woman who sews or knits or weaves blends colors in a tapestry or creates a patchwork quilt, knows by the feel that a single thread is weak. But the weaving, the blending, the intertwining with many others makes it strong. Any woman alone without friends to sustain her, to nurture and support, to hold with loving arms, like a single thread is weak. But the weaving, the loving, the nurturing of others, the networks of friendships make her strong.** Barbara 1994 The Kinship of Women


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    You are such an inspiration Mindy. God bless this venture - and may many women feel God's love this Valentines Day - as you reach out to them in this amazing way.

  2. We participated a little early at St Stoic. Last week we had Undies Sunday. I brought some underwear (newly purchased, and no, ahem, not my size) up front for the time with kids, told then what Undies Sunday was about.

    I told them that we don't talk about underwear very often in church, but that there is nothing we can hide from God's love. I had them tell me what might make a person not have the simple, everyday things in life they really need (like underwear). The kids got it.

    And now they think their pastor is very silly... :-)

  3. And I think that their pastor is adorable.

    Thank you Lorna...just doing what I know to do!

  4. cheesehead, that's great. I wish I'd had you for a pastor when I was little!!

    Mindy I think this is great!

  5. I'll be donating 2 cases of disposable diapers (panties!) to Hope House Day Care in Memphis. They care for children affected by or infected with HIV. I'll let you know when I have delivered them.

  6. Count me in! I think I will buy underwear, candy for each resident lady, and rent a good chick flick for them to watch on V. day. Any suggestions for a movie? Or anything else to make this evening more bearable?

  7. I think our WOW (Women of Wisdom) class will be donating to the Victim Intervention Program at the hospital. They will be used for survivors of sexual assault to wear home after their exam. Their clothes become evidence.

    On another note, I mailed my swap today. I couldn't keep the candy in the house any longer or it would be eaten!

  8. What a great idea! I'll have to think of something :)

  9. Count me in too.

  10. I was thinkin' it was just about time for this to come up on the calendar . . .

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I'm on board! And I'm gonna steal your "any woman who sews or knits" quote as well as the Palooza for my blog. Credit given where credit is due, of course!

    you rock! MB

  12. *Wondering how many 16 year old boys Googling "panties" are going to be very disappointed*

  13. Ha ha! (I was kinda wondering that myself, flutterby.)

    This is really cool - like the coolest-idea-EVER-cool.

    Yeah. Like that.


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