Lorna and her questions....

Hi everyone! Lorna threw this meme my way and I am just now getting around to getting it answered. Here ya go....

5 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Go to Alaska. 2. Watch a baby be born 3. Be on a reality show. I am really thinking about asking polar bear to sign up with me next time. Just think...2 friendly bloggerss that only know one another through the net. Now that would make an interesting team don't you think?
4. Learn how to make glass beads 5. Fall in love

5 things I can do:
1. ask questions! I can pick things apart and disect them so fast that it can make your head spin. 2. I am a good cook and make very good bread. I am willing to teach anyone that wants to learn. 3. Listen 4. Organize other peoples stuff 5. Be positive

5 things I cannot do:
1.I cannot stop reading good books. It is like, if I put the book down it will change somehow and will be my fault. 2. swim---for reals I can't. But with this boobage, I am a good floater. 3. Whistle 4. play a musical instrument 5. bungee jump

5 things that attract me to other people:
1. Honesty 2. The good way a man smells can make me melt 3. How they treat others 4. Their hearts 5. Ability to carry on

5 things I say most often:
1. I love you 2. Did you put your deodorant on?? 3. Just Do what I tell you to do. 4. Diet Coke with Lime please. 5. Hey Rachel.....

5 celebrity crushes: (Sometimes it is the celebrity and sometimes it is the character that they play)
1. Gil Grishom 2. Beau Bridges in his younger days. 3. Det. Robert Goren (is he not just the cutest little thing!!! 4. Dr. House 5. George Straight

5 people I want to do this:
Baby Gator cause she has to cause I am her mother and say so.
Rach cause she will have things that are totally different from me.
Rebelwithoutapew cause I just really like her.
Polar Bear cause well....eeerrrmmm...cause I have not told her about my Amazing Race idea yet and she will have to read about it here.
Kelly cause everyone needs a little meme every once in awhile.


  1. "Cause I am her mother and I told her so". Ha ha ha!

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Great answers Mindy.. and to answer your question on my journal... no idea why Jason asked what he did, but I took the time and gave an answer anyway :)

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Great answers Mindy.. and to answer your question on my journal... no idea why Jason asked what he did, but I took the time and gave an answer anyway :)

  4. Hey what kinda crap is that? I am her mother and I told her too??????? I call bull poopy! But I will do it anyways, cause I feel like it but not because you told me too. Lets get that strait right now. Ok.


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