Oh When The Cows....Come Marching In....
So have you missed me? I have just been a busy girl (or something like that) lately.
But now here you have it!! The rest of the herd for your viewing pleasure! I was blown away by all of the entries and by all of the creativity! Everyone's cow was unique and I thought that was awesome!

This cow was our only international entry. She traveled all the way from Finland and was designed by our Lorna. Lorna says that she is a Highland cow! I love how she looks so peaceful and serene. So totally like me since I an so laid back. (grins and rolls her eyes)
This is the cow done by my FSIL. I am thinking he was pressured by babygator to enter but at least he did! She was a bit upset thinking that he had made me into a Shriner complete with a fez. He explained to her that was my crown and my tail coming from the back of my head. Okay then. I was a bit concerned that he made my udders that size ~grins~Now this is babygator's entry. You can see how all of those years I paid for art lessons have truly paid off! ~laffin~ Rachel says that this cow looks like she ought to be an Arthur character. Her inspiration for this cow came from this post. I cooked pancakes for us and was wearing goggles to keep the smoke out of my eyes. ~grins~ Looks just like me don't you think??
And our final entry from Mary Beth. Entitled *The Beady-Eyed Cow* she is covered entirely in beads!! I wish that you could see her in real life because she is awesome and so outside of what everyone else did!
I am amazed how everyone incorporated different bits and pieces of me into all of their works!
Okay...there you have it. Four entires today and 3 previous enteries for a total of 7 people to choose from. Let the voting begin! Leave your votes in the comments section. You can vote for more than one cow as long as you explain why you are voting that way. That means you could vote for one cow being most creative and vote for another being the funniest.
I will tally the votes by this weekend. Sorry but I will be busy tonight cause it is the LOST SEASON FINALE!!
You know, it's not that I don't want to send you a cow, it's just that I'm not clever that way. I liked Grace's cow, so there's a vote.
ReplyDeleteI am not counting the tombstone Ootl. That was just an extra.
ReplyDeleteAw, come on...can't it be like pre-school where EVERYONE'S A WINNER?
ReplyDeletepppsssttt....everyone will be a winner but that is our secret ppb. I just want there to be different catagories and then I will award all of the prizes! But sshhh don't tell!!
ReplyDeleteBeady Cow
ReplyDeleteI'm voting for babygator's Camping Club Cow. It is all uber-mellow and there is bacon.
ReplyDeleteI like it. It makes me happy.
I love Lorna's cow because it looks so peaceful and has a headdress of flowers and then areally kick-butt message on the - erm - BUTT.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Ootl's cow? Was it too big to scan, because if that is the problem then I can take it home and scan it on my scanner. And i do not like it when people make fun of my cow! I worked really hard on it, and I was one of the only people that actaully drew a cow. So there!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sppoky Rach for voting for my cow. I really did work hard on it.
ReplyDeleteThat is why I did not include Ootl's entry. But it will have it's own post eventually. ~grins~
ReplyDeleteI didn't do it to win either. I just did one to do one. And I made Gomer do one, because he made fun of my cow.
ReplyDeleteBacon? There's one with bacon? That's gotta win. Bacon always wins. Even if it's on beef.
ReplyDeletearen't they fun- I love Rach's cow so I guess thats my vote
ReplyDeleteLorna's, Lorna's, Lorna's--that's the cow I choose because it is serene and stitched, an absolute complement to Mindy.
ReplyDeleteI gotta vote for the cow with the good taste in pedicures...that would be Rach's I believe.
ReplyDeleteI vote for QG I loved her's :)
ReplyDeleteI vote for all of the cows. I didn't send one because I'm just not crafty and I cannot draw (except maybe stick figure cows). Sigh....