MY Monday Morning So Far
I went to bed early last night. I know, such a shock to those of you who know me. My children's favorite saying is *Wheel of Fortune went must be going to bed.* Anyway, I told Cade that he could put the corgis in their crates when he went to bed.
This morning I woke up to this. This is just one little spot. It is all over the entire floor! ALL.OVER.THE.ENTIRE.FLOOR.
It looks like someone had a huge party and has been snorting drugs off my clean one clean floor.
What is it? It's powered milk. See!
I managed to get a lot of it up this am. What you see in that floor picture up there? It is dried on powered milk. Looks like I will have to get a chisel to it. Powdered milk and corgi spit become concrete.
Gingerbean will not even stop licking the floor long enough to get her picture taken.
And YES that IS powdered milk on Chappy's nose. Do not let that I am so sorry look on his face fool you. He went back to licking the floor as soon as the pic was snapped.
The corgis cannot get into the cabinet that the powdered milk is in. They do not get into any of the cabinets. This has NEVER been a problem before.
So how DID they get into the cabinet and have a powdered milk orgy?
So who is it in my life that likes getting into and out of my cabinets?
Enter the CULPRIT.....Diesel!
*BBbbwwwwhhhhaaaaahhhhhaaahhhhaaaaa my evil plan worked!*
This morning I woke up to this. This is just one little spot. It is all over the entire floor! ALL.OVER.THE.ENTIRE.FLOOR.

What is it? It's powered milk. See!

The corgis cannot get into the cabinet that the powdered milk is in. They do not get into any of the cabinets. This has NEVER been a problem before.
So how DID they get into the cabinet and have a powdered milk orgy?
So who is it in my life that likes getting into and out of my cabinets?
Enter the CULPRIT.....Diesel!

aaargh! your animals are quite sneaky and smart! i love the little bit of powdered milk on the dog's nose. too funny!
ReplyDeletehope the mess cleans up quickly!
Diesel is just reminding you that cats rule the house and they expect you to remind everyone else. I would suggest you spend as much time as it takes to make peace with your cat before the real grief is unleashed.
ReplyDeleteCracks me up!! Poor Corgis in trouble b/c of the evil cat!! :) Diesel is such a handsome puss!
ReplyDeleteI hope it does too Randi but I think it will take a little while.
ReplyDeleteDid you know I am not fond of milk? And I hate the smell of this mess? *ick*
Kelly part of the problem is that we went to Clarendon yesterday and I returned smelling like someone else's cat. Yep, Smokey the cat that hates me!
ReplyDeleteOh Suzanne...Diesel is my problem child.
ReplyDeleteI can see Diesel saying: Would you like a bite of milk, Momma won't mind, I'll get it down for you! and the Corgi's going "We LOVE milk" and going to town. Score 1 for team cat! Powdered milk is terrible to clean up...
ReplyDeleteMust be a "black cat thing" as Buster is quite adept at opening cabinets, too. When Noah was a puppy, Buster opened the cabinet where the peanut butter is kept. I was in my sewing room downstairs and heard a huge "thunk" on the floor. I came upstairs in time to see this 15 pound puppy with a 20 pound jar (not really but it was one of those really big ones!) of Jiff peanut butter in his mouth, on the couch, trying to get the top off! And don't even get me started on what he did to the bag of potatoes, which is what that "thunk" was!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should just add a lot of water to the dried milk powder and let the doggies "drink" it all off of the floor! LOL!!!
I think Mindy got a bit messy with the crafting this weekend and is blaming everything on the pets. Minnnndy.
ReplyDeleteThe universe says Diesel did it. See above link to the picture I posted on my blog. Weird. By the way, the word verification for this one is "weird". Srsly.
ReplyDeleteThe inmates are running the asylum.
ReplyDeleteI think an industrial scraper is in order...
ReplyDeleteSome days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed!
You just never know what you're going to find next, do you? I do like the spot of powdered milk on Chappy's nose, though. Nice shot.
ReplyDeleteDuring our protracted stay with the in-laws, Tuesday has liberated several food items, including 3/4 of a loaf of bread, a sleeve of saltines, and a significant nibble of the jalapeno cornbread my mom-in-law had turned out of the iron skillet and left too close to the edge of the counter. Angus has learned to turn off lights with the help of a power strip, and has turned on the weatherband radio in the middle of the night (while I was on a business trip and he was sleeping in their room).
Watch out, and pray they don't grow thumbs!
Our dog got into the garbage and found chicken bones. They can be dangerous, but he was OK, except that he pooped white for days.
ReplyDeleteI've thought about blogging about this...but I fear no one will think Chelsea is PERFECT if I tell on her, but she has been AWFUL lately...chewed a hole in the living room sofa cushion AND ate about a half a roll of toilet tissue! I went into my bathroom and tissue was everywhere! WHAT is wrong with our kids?
ReplyDeletehug you! Cheryl
Bahahahahah! Ooh, those cats. They are evil. Hope you were able to chisel the cement off the floor.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the pups have enough calcium to keep their teen well into the elderly years.
Oh Winny you know Diesel so well! I can just hear him saying that.
ReplyDeleteTOLD you so Cyn! That really was just too funny!
ReplyDeleteAin't THAT the truth YT!
ReplyDeleteAnd yesterday was one of those days Wonderful.
ReplyDeleteLiberated several food items...TOO funny DB!!
ReplyDeleteAnd your dogs are smart!! Mine are followers.
Patti I do not know why but *pooped white* cracked me up. Glad he is okay!
ReplyDeleteCheryl I am glad my corgis are not the only naughty ones!!
ReplyDeleteThat is a good point Osteoporosis for the corgis!
ReplyDeleteOh my! That is too funny ... and messy! What a nightmare. Looks like time out for everyone ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow - did I ever hit the Naughty Corgi Jackpot when I clicked on your blog to read! That's something MY GIRLS would do!!!
ReplyDeleteYou actually assumed you ever had control?? The bitchin' bichon once made the living room look like a ski resort with one roll of shredded toilet paper - who knew one roll could cover so much?!
ReplyDeleteThis looks like one badass cat too!! Maybe he/she needs to join the club!! ha.