Doing the Blue's Clues mail call! I got mail!! Got my first book mark and I just love it! I love the green beads. That tis my favorite color. I just am not able to thank my sender cause I do not know who sent it?!?!? Okay come forward who even sent this one to me.
I got one just like that Mom. Except mien has blue beads...my favorite color. But no name, someone has sent us mystery bookmarks. We could be like the Scooby Doo gang. Who needs the Amazing Race when you are the Scooby doo gang!
ReplyDeleteWell, I can't solve your mystery, but I will say that I loved my gator bookmark, as well as the one from reverendmother. This was such fun!
ReplyDeleteIt sure is pretty. I'm sorry it was not from me...
ReplyDeleteSongbird...the gator was from me. You know princess's baby gator...get it. I thought it would be cool to tie all that in together. lol
ReplyDeleteWow, cool, a mystery!
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you figure it out.
And I really do want to send you my Blessingway beads for you to do something with.
Thanks, baby gator! My daughter, The Princess, immediately took it for her own, which was only fair since she helped me make the ones I sent.
ReplyDeleteWas rev mommy in on this? She's the only Methodist I know in our "circle."
Hmm. All I can say is "I would have gotten away with it, too, if not for you meddling kids!"
ReplyDeleteWell, not really. It not from me.
Thanks tons, songbird/princess and judy! I love the bookmarks you sent!
Oh song you are going to be right! I just left a comment on her blog but you are going to be so right. Tell that princess of yours that I loved the bookmarks she made! She shall ever be the Princess of Modge Podge in my book....and that's a good thing.
ReplyDeleteMindy! I thought you kept my name as your bookmark partner and would know that this one is from me! I'm so glad you like it. The UM church is pastored by a sweet pal of mine who does amazing ministry while raising two little children with her husband.
ReplyDeleteI love the bookmark's I received from RevMom/Cheesehead and Yankee Transplant.
What do we do next? Exchange key chains?
Key chains would be fun, or I was thinking fridge magnets! Another item that can be made or bought.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE it St Casse. I have only gotten one so I was not sure which of my partners had mailed it to me!! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI hope that both of mine were received -- I actually received three -- spookyrach sent two!